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I don't know who first said that quote, "Fail to plan and you plan to fail", but I know it's true for me when it comes to meals, planning, and eating. The thought of meal planning is still never my favorite. I've tried paper and pen, erasable calendars on the fridge, so many meal plans promoted by others. But then I found this simple, meal planning tool.
This little app is called Plan to Eat. I won't promise that all your meal planning challenges disappear, but it sure does make it a lot easier. It's your own, personal, digital recipe book/planner!
And guess what? It's almost time for the annual 50% off Black Friday Sale!!! Sign up for a free trial (no payment info required) now and you'll be ready to take advantage of the once-a-year sale.
Every year I wait for the 50% off Black Friday sale to re-up. The cool thing is, you can purchase another annual subscript, and it starts when yours runs out, not right on black Friday. So, my current subscript goes until Dec 30th, but after I buy a new one, at half off, I can extend to Dec 30th of 2021. Yeah for simple meal planning AND saving money!
Christmas Idea Tip:
Gift subscriptions are also 50% OFF at only $19.50. Purchase as many gift subscriptions at the sale price as you would like and send them when you are ready — the recipient’s subscription will not begin until they redeem it… like at Christmas (hint, hint).
Plan to Eat
Despite all the lovely features, I really only tap into one thing on Plan to Eat. Dinner planning. Yes you can plan Breakfast, Lunch, even Snacks, as well as Dinner. At this point in my life as a wife and Mom, I'm doing good if I planned dinner. Winging it for the rest.
I don't actually use the shopping lists per se. I keep a running list on my Notes in my iPhone of what we've run out of, what I need for the next week. However it has come in very helpful when I AM making my own list, to reference what my recipes for the week need, and to check against what's in my pantry.
I really haven't "friend"ed a lot of fellow users on my app. My Mom is one though, and it's been quite helpful when I needed that one recipe she had, and she could simple share it from her account, to mine. Also, Plan to Eat will put on challenges and post recipes on their blog and you have the option of "friending" the challenge and getting all the new recipes that way. You can adopt them into your recipe library, or not!
In closing, I wanted to get this little post out into the world, in time for you to take advantage of the sale. I hope you love learning about this simple, meal planning tool as much as I love using it!
In case you're a Mom, like me, who hasn't found what really helps you with getting dinner on the table every night. Try Plan to Eat. (Free trial!) And when you see that it helps you get organized, planned, prepared, and dinner on the table, go save $19.50, support a small business and don't fail to plan to eat anymore.
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